Thursday, September 29, 2011

I know what will make you feel better- Braco the Healing Gazer!

I am an admitted Rob Dyrdek superfan. Everyone has their thing. Ya know? Well the other night I was over at a friends house watching an episode of fantasy factory. In this particular episode Rob's little cousin had gotten dumped by his girl friend. Rob diagnosed him with a broken heart, then proceeded to try to cure him for the rest of the episode. When nothing seemed to help Rob decided it would be a good idea to take Drama to see a professional healer.

Introducing Braco- Professional Gazer

 Now don't you just feel like you have been healed?
NO? What? Are you doubting the powers of Braco?

Braco is a self proclaimed healer who has taken bullshit to a whole new level. We all know about the crazy pastors who scream and shout and faint and heal crippled people with a single touch. We all know they are full of shit. Well Braco has decided to slap all of us in the face and not only claim he can heal people, but he doesn't even have to say anything or touch you. This man can simply stare out in to a crowd of people and heal them all at one time.

Not only are people who are going to see this fool, but they are paying. We all know Badasshousewife is looking for a job..... I think I just found one. Introducing Brittany- Healing Gazer!
For 8 dollars you and ten thousand of your dumbest friends can come let me stare at you.
I feel so stupid for being broke, when I can get idiots all around the world to pay me to do nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I know you got healing powers! Come heal me and ill Give you 8 bucks!
