Tuesday, February 7, 2012

All shitty things must come to an end!

Well it has been far to long to say the least. I know you people have just been sitting in front of your computer screens  waiting for me to post a blog for months. :)

I would like everyone to come up with some new names for me seeing how you cannot be a badass housewife when you are going through a divorce/separation. I won't go in to detail but obviously my last blog post about how to keep your man happy is a crock of shit. DON'T READ IT!! and DON'T DO WHAT I SAID TO DO. :) I will hopefully be updating often, but as you can see I have the attention span of a cat with ADD so don't hold your breath.


Here is some shit to make you laugh while I update you on my life, seeing how that is the purpose of my blog.

I can think of one person I could see in this. 

For the longest time, as you all know I was looking for a job... I found one... IT SUCKED! 
I am however, working in banking again... SO I MAKE IT RAIN!

In other news, before my husband and I decided to separate, I got knocked up.... 
I joke ( but I'm very happy about it) It should make for good blogging.

Also, seeing how I am no longer the second person in a group of two... I have had to adjust my zombie apocalypse plan accordingly. I am taking applications for someone to watch my back... Kinda like the game "ARMY OF TWO"